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NDEAM Resources: LinkedIn Learning Courses on Disability Inclusion

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This entry is part 2 of 12 in the series NDEAM Resources

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM)! All month long, I’ll be sharing some of my favorite resources on accessibility and disability inclusion in the workplace.

This post features some of my favorite LinkedIn Learning courses on disability inclusion. (Did you miss my post on accessibility courses? Click here to read more!)

LinkedIn Learning, originally and now offered through LinkedIn, is a premium feature available to subscribers. Companies may also offer access to LinkedIn Learning as part of their professional development resources.

I’ve taken the courses below to expand my own knowledge on disability inclusion.

  • Supporting Workers with Disabilities: Physical and social barriers at work can make it difficult to fully capitalize on skills—or worse, prevent workers with disabilities from securing gainful employment at all. Get tips on how to select the best employee for a role by focusing on the desired outcome—not the methodology. Start creating a more accessible workplace where employees with disabilities are set up to thrive.
  • Disability Readiness for Leaders and Managers: Managers play a key role in ensuring that everyone, including people with disabilities, can contribute fully to achieving business goals. Be a more inclusive, supportive leader by recruiting, hiring, onboarding, and advancing top talent with disabilities, and start creating more inclusive, supportive, and safe work environments that benefit everyone, including people with disabilities.
  • Develop Interpersonal Skills for Inclusive Workplaces: In this course, develop interpersonal skills such as self-awareness, dealing with disagreement, and deep listening, while engaging with colleagues one-on-one and in group settings. Work on strengthening relationships through routines and rituals, as well as identifying and prioritizing interpersonal relationships. This course helps you move toward inclusive actions and build the skills you need to support an inclusive work culture.
  • Creating Inclusive Learning Experiences: Learn the power of inclusive learning experiences and how they can open the door for people of all identities, backgrounds, and perspectives and provide greater achievement and fulfillment. Follow a simple and practical approach to create environments and outcomes all learners can participate in and grow from.

What about other courses outside of LinkedIn? Stay tuned for my next post on Accessibility courses!

Series Navigation<< NDEAM Resources: LinkedIn Learning Courses on AccessibilityNDEAM Resources: Courses on Accessibility >>

2 thoughts on “NDEAM Resources: LinkedIn Learning Courses on Disability Inclusion”

  1. Pingback: NDEAM Resources: LinkedIn Learning Courses on Accessibility - inclusive pixelation

  2. Pingback: NDEAM Resources: Courses on Disability Inclusion - inclusive pixelation

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