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A11yBook news! Blog posts and news about Making Online Learning Accessible, the #A11yBook – first in the series of Making Work Accessible handbooks.

#DisabledAuthorsDay logo

International Disabled Author’s Day

This entry is part 9 of 9 in the series Awareness Days

International Disabled Author’s Day is celebrated on October 2nd to honor the accomplishments, creativity, and hard work of published authors with disabilities. It’s a day to raise awareness of the importance of diversity and inclusion of disabled people in literature. (If you missed Disability Book Week in April, here’s your chance to celebrate in October!)

Read More »International Disabled Author’s Day

A blue gradient background with black text reads: New Shop! - - #A11yShop - Get the A11yBook at the A11yShop! A pink burst in the upper right reads NEW! above an image of the cover of Making Online Learning Accessible and a man wearing a shirt from the A11yShop. The Inclusive Pixelation rainbow heart logo appears in the center.

A11yBook on A11yShop!

Exciting news! The A11yBook is on the A11yShop!

I’m overwhelmed by the success of the A11yShop so far! So I’ve decided it would be better for my own systems and inventory management to have my book available through the same store. That means I’ve shut down the old shopping cart that was active on this site from book launch until now. Any new orders placed will be fulfilled through the new system.

Read More »A11yBook on A11yShop!