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Making Work Accessible: Attraction

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This entry is part 2 of 6 in the series Making Work Accessible

Welcome to this series of posts on Making Work Accessible! I’m so excited to share this deeper dive into accessibility at work, based on some content from a recent webinar and presentation.

We’re going to explore the phases of the employee life cycle: Attraction, Recruitment, Onboarding, Development, and Retention. I’ll share some accessibility and inclusion best practices in each of these areas, and also include a related benefit of disability inclusion.

Attracting Employees with Disabilities

Best Practices

  • Use accessible job application software or provide alternate formats
  • Write job descriptions in clear, concise language and explain special terminology
  • Include disability representation on website and in marketing materials
  • Include disability language in your Diversity & Inclusion statements
  • Diversify where you are posting the jobs
  • Invite candidates to request accommodations as needed, either through a statement in the job advertisement or follow-up email
  • Consider physical requirements in job descriptions (lift XX weight, stand, reach)
  • Promote flex/remote work as a candidate attraction tool

Business Benefit

Stronger Talent Pool: Businesses that embrace disability inclusion gain access to a wider range of qualified candidates. By focusing on skills over stereotypes, they tap into a valuable talent pool that might otherwise be overlooked.

How Do I Do This?

I’d love for you to get in touch to chat about how I may be able to help you implement these best practices!

I also have a project in the works for you to learn more about implementation – coming for National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) this year. 

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