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View the list below of Britne’s current programs, or download a quick media sheet. Looking for something different? Get in touch!

A yellow star with "Featured Talk" in black textAccessibility for Online Learning

Session Length: 60-90 minutes
Session Objectives:

  • Discuss types of disabilities and assistive technology, as well as challenges experienced by disabled learners
  • Learn how to create accessible online learning (with practice activities!)
  • Learn how to evaluate accessibility of existing online learning
  • Bonus! How do I convince others to prioritize accessibility?

a blue icon of an elearning module on a computer screenSession Description: This program is for everyone who designs, facilitates, or manages online learning programs, including elearning, webinars, virtual classrooms, websites, computer-based job aids, social media, anything that involves technology – which a great deal of learning today does. It’s critical to consider accessibility, disability, and usability in online learning, because without understanding the types of assistive technologies learners may use and how to design with inclusion in mind, you may end up unintentionally excluding your learners from your training program. So in this session, we’re going to learn how to create accessible online learning, and also learn how to evaluate our existing courses for accessibility. Participants will leave with templates and resources to get started on course accessibility right away!

Program History:

A yellow star with "Featured Talk" in black textMaking Work Accessible and Inclusive

Session Length: 60-90 minutes
Session Objectives:

  • Discuss the topics of disability, assistive technology, and accessibility
  • Implement best practices from case studies and group discussion
  • Make adjustments throughout the employee experience to incorporate accessibility (Attraction, Recruitment, Onboarding, Development, Retention)

blue icon of person in a wheelchair sitting at a desk with a computerSession Description: Would you be surprised to learn that your current Diversity & Inclusion initiatives are excluding over 25% of the population? According to the latest numbers from the CDC, approximately 27% of the United States adult population is disabled in some way. Any one of us can become disabled at any time. And people with neurodivergence don’t always identify as disabled, either. Are our workplaces excluding people with disabilities from participating? And how can we make work accessible to more people, at every stage of the employee experience? If your inclusion efforts don’t include accessibility, you could be missing the mark. Join this session to explore ways to incorporate accessibility at every stage of the employee experience – from recruiting and onboarding, to training and retention, and more. Let’s think beyond accommodations. When diversity includes disability, we make work more accessible to everyone.

Program History:

Writing for Accessibility

Session Length: 60 minutes
Session Objectives:

  • Edit writing for readability and clarity
  • Write quality captions, transcripts, and audio descriptions for audio/visual content
  • Write quality ALT text for images

a blue icon of a stack of papers with a media icon and a pencil writing underneath the mediaSession Description: Can everyone read your content? You might be surprised. A significant number of your readers may experience neurodivergence, disability, or other conditions that prevent them from interacting with your written content. Learn how to write with accessibility and inclusion in mind, including strategies for readability, captions, transcripts, and more – with resources and checklists to get to work right away. 

Program History:

Accessible Documents 101

Session Length: 60 minutes
Session Objectives:

  • Learn practical strategies to integrate accessibility seamlessly into your existing workflow, without sacrificing efficiency
  • Get a clear roadmap for accessibility, from understanding key guidelines to implementing practical steps at each stage of your document creation process
  • Discover workarounds and best practices for navigating the accessibility features (or lack thereof) in your preferred content creation tools
  • Learn how to leverage built-in accessibility checkers effectively, when to use them in your workflow, and how to interpret their results for actionable improvements

a blue icon of a document with a heartSession Description: Many content creators have the challenge of creating accessible documents. Limited time and resources and lack of clear practices can cause accessibility to be overlooked in the document creation process. Technical limitations in content creation software can also cause accessibility issues, and for software that does have an accessibility checker, how and when do we use it? Join this interactive session designed to address the common challenges content creators face.

Program History:

A Crash Course in Disability Etiquette

Session Length: 5-15 minutes (ideal for a panel!)
Session Objectives:

  • Shift Perspectives: This talk aims to challenge assumptions about disability and promote a more inclusive way of interacting with people with disabilities.
  • Develop Skills: This talk provides practical tools and strategies for navigating disability etiquette, including effective communication and offering assistance.
  • Promote Advocacy: The talk aims to raise awareness about disability and inspire attendees to become champions of inclusion in their communities.

a blue icon of two people reading a book with a check mark above their headsSession Description: A disability advocate with personal experience uses humor and storytelling to debunk myths and misconceptions about disability etiquette. This talk equips attendees with the tools they need to confidently interact with people with disabilities and create a more welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone.

Program History:

An Accessibility Audit for Your Community Organization

Session Length: 60 minutes
Session Objectives:

  • Examine your existing community technology through a lens of accessibility
  • Improve community website accessibility (including creating an accessibility statement)
  • Improve accessibility of online community events and materials
  • Improve accessibility of digital community communications

a blue icon of a checklist and magnifying glassSession Description: Is your community organization accessible to people with disabilities? Let’s find out! In this session, we’ll examine the technology currently used by many community organizations and evaluate our practices for accessibility. We’ll review organization websites (and make sure we have an Accessibility Statement!), explore online meeting technology like Zoom, and discuss accessible ways we can communicate with our members (including email, social media, and more). While this session focuses heavily on accessible technology, a discussion of accessibility for physical spaces and events is also included.

Program History:

The Role of AI in Building Accessible and Inclusive Communities

Session Length: 60 minutes
Session Objectives:

  • Explain how socially responsible AI can be used to reduce bias and promote inclusion in community building
  • Identify different AI tools that can be used to facilitate meaningful connections and combat isolation
  • Describe the key considerations for using AI responsibly in building communities, including accessibility, transparency, user control, and the importance of human interaction

a blue icon of a heart surrounded by a circle with spokes

Session Description: By leveraging AI responsibly and focusing on accessibility, we can create online and offline communities that are inclusive, welcoming, and foster meaningful connections to combat isolation and build bridges across silos. Socially and ethically responsible AI can play a crucial role in facilitating connections and community building. How? Through diversifying training data, providing transparency and user control, incorporating accessibility features, supporting language translation tools, providing personalized matching, combating online harassment, and of course, focusing on human interaction.

Program History:

  • Organizational Development Network Summit 2024

Accessible and Inclusive Workplaces with Data-Driven Strategies

Session Length: 60 minutes
Session Objectives:

  • How accessibility initiatives connect to improved employee engagement, productivity, and brand reputation, supported by relevant statistics
  • Data-driven arguments to secure buy-in from leadership for accessibility programs
  • The most common barriers L&D leaders face when implementing accessibility initiatives and strategies to overcome them
  • How leading companies of various sizes have successfully implemented accessibility programs

a blue icon of 4 hands surrounding 4 shapesSession Description: This session leverages research to bridge the gap in workplace accessibility. We’ll explore data on the disability community’s size and economic power, alongside research on the positive impact of inclusion on businesses. Attendees will learn best practices for accessible learning based on frameworks like WCAG, all backed by research on their effectiveness. Join this session to commit to data-driven strategies for building a truly inclusive learning environment.

Program History:

  • Learning 2024 Conference