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Image Description: A collage of 3 photos. The National Speakers Association - Las Vegas Chapter Academy graduates with a Class of 2024 logo in yellow; Britne speaking on stage in a yellow dress, and Britne holding her academy diploma with a "Graduate" sash with Kathi Kulesza and Mark Stiving, Ph.D.. The NSA Las Vegas logo appears in the lower left.

Recap: A Crash Course in Disability Etiquette

I did a thing this weekend – I graduated! I’ve been participating in a Speaker’s Academy for the last several months, led by the National Speakers Association – Las Vegas Chapter. Our Speaker’s Showcase on Saturday featured my new mini-keynote, “A Crash Course in Disability Etiquette.”

Update: The edited recording is here! I’ve provided my initial version of the talk below, and the final video contains the accurate spoken transcript.

Read More »Recap: A Crash Course in Disability Etiquette