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NDEAM Resources: TED Talks about Workplace Disability Inclusion

a blue icon of a person giving a presentation in front of an audience
This entry is part 12 of 12 in the series NDEAM Resources

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM)! All month long, I’ve been sharing some of my favorite resources on accessibility and disability inclusion in the workplace.

This post is my last for NDEAM – but check out my webinar tomorrow on Accessibility Testing for Learning and Development! – and I wanted to close out the month with some really impactful TED Talks on disability inclusion in the workplace.

In no particular order, these are some superb TED Talks with a variety of perspectives on disability inclusion at work:

Also check out the TED Topic area on Disability for playlists, articles, and more talks on disability.

That’s all for NDEAM, but the blog will continue! Stay tuned for recaps of some of my speaking events, study guides for the CPACC and Section 508 Trusted Tester exams, and so much more.

Series Navigation<< NDEAM Resources: Accessibility for Human Resources Article Roundup