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NDEAM Resources: Courses on Disability Inclusion

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This entry is part 4 of 12 in the series NDEAM Resources

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM)! All month long, I’ll be sharing some of my favorite resources on accessibility and disability inclusion in the workplace.

This post features some of my favorite courses on disability inclusion. (Did you miss my post on disability inclusion courses on LinkedIn Learning? Click here to read more!)

I’ve taken the courses below to expand my own knowledge on disability inclusion.

  • Diversity & Inclusion for HR Certificate – eCornell: This self-paced certificate program includes a wonderful elective course called Workplace Disability Inclusion, as well as the required courses Countering Bias in the Workplace for HR and Fostering an Inclusive Climate. I especially loved the Workplace Disability Inclusion course for its practical advice on maximizing workplace disability inclusion and minimizing disability discrimination across the employment process. The course makes the business case for aligning disability inclusion with a company’s strategic human-capital, diversity, and customer-service imperatives and looks at the implications of effective HR policies and practices in the recruitment and hiring process, career development and retention initiatives, and compensation and benefits programs.
  • Employing Abilities at Work – SHRM Foundation: This certificate provides actionable knowledge and tools HR professionals, people managers and business leaders need to recruit, hire, and retain individuals with disabilities. Made up of seven modules, the program takes participants through the organizational life cycle of employing people with disabilities and establishes baseline knowledge of how accommodation resources can operate and shows how HR departments can adapt their hiring practices to fit individual needs.
  • Section 508: What is It and Why is It Important to You? – U.S. General Services Administration: This course is designed to describe what Section 508 is and why it is important to make Information and Communication Technology (ICT) products accessible to people with disabilities, and serves as the introduction and prerequisite course to the Trusted Tester program. Learn about the job-related responsibilities and available resources needed to meet Section 508 requirements, with practical examples for project managers, programmers, instructional designers, or personnel responsible for procuring, buying, or maintaining electronic information and technology products and services.

That’s a lot of courses! What else can we do to learn about accessibility and disability inclusion? Stay tuned for my next post on books about these topics!

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