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Recap: Writing for Accessible Learning

Thank you to everyone that attended “Writing for Accessible Learning: ALT Text, Captions, and Beyond!” at this year’s Accessibility Summer Camp! I had a blast presenting this session. I heard there were over 100 of you in the audience at one point!

This session equips instructional writers with practical skills to make materials accessible for all. Dive into clear language practices and free tools for readability checks. Craft engaging captions, transcripts, and ALT text for learners with disabilities. Leave empowered to write inclusively, boost engagement, and achieve better learning outcomes!

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A yellow bubble with Writing Captions, Transcripts, and Audio Descriptions in black, with the words Did You Know? in white over pink and blue boxes. The inclusive pixelation logo appears in the lower right, with blue arrows in the upper right.

Writing Captions, Transcripts, and Audio Descriptions

This entry is part 3 of 5 in the series Writing for Accessibility

Welcome to this deeper-dive series of blog posts! I’ll be digging in to some accessibility topics that relate to my presentations on accessibility, with the goal of providing you with information and resources to make your workplace more accessible. The third post in this series is on Writing Captions, Transcripts, and Audio Descriptions. (Did you miss the others on ALT Text and Readability?)

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a blue icon of an open book with a pencil in the crease

Writing for Readability

This entry is part 2 of 5 in the series Writing for Accessibility

Welcome to this deeper-dive series of blog posts! I’ll be digging in to some accessibility topics that relate to my presentations on accessibility, with the goal of providing you with information and resources to make your workplace more accessible. The second post in this series is on Writing for Readability. (Did you miss the first post on Writing ALT Text?)

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A yellow bubble with Writing ALT Text for Accessibility in black, with the words Did You Know? in white over pink and blue boxes. The inclusive pixelation logo appears in the lower right, with blue arrows in the upper right.

Writing ALT Text for Accessibility

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Writing for Accessibility

Welcome to this deeper-dive series of blog posts! I’ll be digging in to some accessibility topics that relate to my presentations on accessibility, with the goal of providing you with information and resources to make your workplace more accessible. The first post in this series is on Writing ALT Text for Accessibility.

Read More »Writing ALT Text for Accessibility