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Recap: Writing for Accessible Learning

accessibility summer camp logo

Thank you to everyone that attended “Writing for Accessible Learning: ALT Text, Captions, and Beyond!” at this year’s Accessibility Summer Camp! I had a blast presenting this session. I heard there were over 100 of you in the audience at one point!

This session equips instructional writers with practical skills to make materials accessible for all. Dive into clear language practices and free tools for readability checks. Craft engaging captions, transcripts, and ALT text for learners with disabilities. Leave empowered to write inclusively, boost engagement, and achieve better learning outcomes!

Session Description and Objectives

Can everyone read your content? You might be surprised. A significant number of your readers may experience neurodivergence, disability, or other conditions that prevent them from interacting with your written content. Learn how to write with accessibility and inclusion in mind, including strategies for readability, captions, transcripts, and more – with resources and checklists to get to work right away.

In this session, you will learn to:

  • Edit writing for readability and clarity
  • Write quality captions, transcripts, and audio descriptions for audio/visual content
  • Write quality ALT text for images

Writing for Accessible Learning Session Slides

a Mentimeter slide with audience responses to the question "what's your accessible writing challenge?"

Mentimeter provided a great platform for audience participation, as usual!

Looking for the final slides with audience responses? Download them here.

Session Resources

Readability and Language Tools

Other Accessible Writing Resources

Accessible Writing Series

Did you miss the series of posts on Writing for Accessibility I’ve had on the blog lately? Check them out here:

Writing for Accessible Learning Session Recording

The recording is now available from the Accessibility Summer Camp website!

Visit this link to watch my session.

Did you find the session informative? I’d love to hear from you!